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Golf in Portugal

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Due to the mild climate and the existence of numerous golf courses, this sport can be practiced in Portugal throughout the year, but it is less frequent in the winter due to the climatic factor (rain / strong winds). Most of the Portuguese golf courses are pleasant in terms of the environment. By this I mean that as a rule it has a beautiful landscape in which you can enjoy while doing the same.

All offer varied and different degrees of difficulty, but the biggest challenge is to stay focused and not get lost in the beauty of its landscapes.

One of the challenges is not to let the beauty and light of the landscapes detract from its incredible “gameplay”. We have fields overlooking the ocean, flanked by cliffs and white sand dunes. And others framed by lakes and mountains. The Algarve, the Lisbon coast and Madeira are favorite destinations for more experienced players.

Many of these fields are host to numerous international tournaments. In the Azores there are also golf courses, located in magical places and with a sensational environment.

In the regions of Oporto and Northern Portugal, there are also golf courses. In fact, Espinho is the second oldest golf course in continental Europe. Come and enjoy and discover these incredible golf courses in Portugal located throughout the country and on the islands.

Come and discover the best golf courses, with countless options from north to south of the country, talk to us right now.

About the Author
O Flávio é um jovem que adora desporto, sobretudo tudo o que esteja ligado ao futebol e conhecer novos países, novas culturas. Nasceu numa família entusiasta por viajar ou não fosse seu pai, o Hugo uma pessoa que chega mesmo a ser considerado um verdadeiro embaixador de Portugal pela sua dedicação ao Turismo, outro de seus hobbies é a leitura o que o faz viajar pelo Mundo sentado numa cadeira. Embora jovem sente o Turismo como ninguém de tal forma que é já estudante de Turismo, carreira que espera encabeçar num futuro próxima isto visto pela sua dedicação em tudo a que se propõe.