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Return of tourism to Portugal

The much awaited return of tourism to Portugal after the pandemic is closer, Portugal will be able to open its borders to the world in early May, together with other European countries with the long-awaited certificate of vaccination.

Pastry in Sintra

This good news was given to us by Secretary of State for Tourism, Rita Marques, this in statements to British BBC television, according to her “we believe that Portugal will be able to allow unrestricted travel soon, not only for vaccinated people, but also for immune people or that test negative ”.

The Portuguese Government is “working to reopen tourism as quickly as possible in a safe way” and is confident in the so-called “green pass” to be issued by the countries of the European Union.

Typical restaurant

On the 17th of May, the European Commission will meet in an attempt to present a legislative proposal, in an attempt to create a free transit in a digital way that makes it possible to resume travel even during the covid-19 pandemic, a certificate that proves the vaccination or the recovery of citizens to Covid 19.

Return of tourism to Portugal

Academic Tuna
In 2020, the United Kingdom was the main tourist emitter market, with about 16.3% in overnight stays from non-residents in Portuguese territory, despite a decrease of 78.5% compared to 2019, figures from the National Statistics Institute.
Fatima Shrine

At this time, travel between Portugal and the United Kingdom is forbidden, as well as other countries, with no direct flights, although the circulation of nationals or residents of both countries is permitted, with valid justification and tests for coronavirus with negative results in the last 72 hours.

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About the Author
O Hugo é uma pessoa extremamente comunicativa que adora viajar e ama o que faz. Ainda jovem começou a trabalhar como taxista na cidade de Lisboa que fez com que ficasse a conhecer a cidade e o País como ninguém e para além disso ganhou um gosto especial por comunicar quer seja com as gentes locais ou com muitos turistas com que se cruzada em cada dia. No entanto a vontade de saber mais e dar asas ao que realmente gostava de fazer, decidiu voltar a estudar Turismo na melhor escola de Turismo em Portugal e mudar toda a sua vida para fazer aquilo que realmente gosta, dar a conhecer o seu pais ao Mundo de uma forma genuína e autentica.