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Portugal in the top 5 of the safest countries

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Portugal in the top 5 of the safest countries

The Portuguese state in the person of the Minister of Internal Administration welcomed the good assessment ( Portugal in the top 5 of the safest countries) that Portugal received, this time in fourth place, as described by the minister “in a difficult year, during a pandemic that , in many countries, contributed to the increase of conflicts and some forms of crime”, and in 2014, Portugal still occupied the eighteenth place in the Global Peace Index, having reached the third position in 2019, a big change, isn’t it?! ?


Portugal no top 5 dos países mais seguros


Although it has dropped a place compared to last year, it manages to remain in the top 5 of the safest countries in the world, now taking fourth place, this among the 163 independent states and territories, the assessment was made by the Institute for Economics and Peace, which annually releases the global peace index.

Portugal in the top 5 of the safest countries

Portugal no top 5 dos países mais seguros

The list that has been led by Iceland since 2008, as well as the second place on the list of the safest country continues to be New Zealand, while the third place is now occupied by Denmark, which curiously exchanges positions with Portugal.

The disclosure was made yesterday, a study carried out by the Economist Intelligence Unit, where the score of each country is attributed according to internal and external conflicts, security and militarization, measured by different 23 indicators.

“The 2020 GPI concludes that the world has become less secure for the ninth time in the last 12 years, with the average level of peace in countries falling 0.34% last year. In total, the security climate has improved in 81 countries and worsened in 80”, reads the study, which has more than 100 pages.

Come and see for yourself when Portugal is still safe.

About the Author
O Flávio é um jovem que adora desporto, sobretudo tudo o que esteja ligado ao futebol e conhecer novos países, novas culturas. Nasceu numa família entusiasta por viajar ou não fosse seu pai, o Hugo uma pessoa que chega mesmo a ser considerado um verdadeiro embaixador de Portugal pela sua dedicação ao Turismo, outro de seus hobbies é a leitura o que o faz viajar pelo Mundo sentado numa cadeira. Embora jovem sente o Turismo como ninguém de tal forma que é já estudante de Turismo, carreira que espera encabeçar num futuro próxima isto visto pela sua dedicação em tudo a que se propõe.