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Military Orders in Portugal

Military Orders in Portugal, Templars were given the defense of the Tagus, up to the Mondego River
The Order of Hospitallers controlled from the north to the area controlled by Calatrava
The Santiago with the sword geographically controlled from the Tagus on the other side of Lisbon and the entire coast to the Algarve.
The Calatrava / Avis controlled the region from the south of the Tagus to Évora and from here to the Algarve, always through the center of Portugal
It turns out that when Portugal was formed in 1249, there were 4 religious military orders that were in possession of the country’s military control.
But the existence of monastic orders was of extreme importance because they were dedicated to teaching agriculture, so lands were distributed where they founded their convents or monasteries.


Jesuits – control education and clergy and inquisition in India and business in Brazil
Dominicans – are responsible for the inquisition court
We also have female religious orders such as the Carmelite clariques, etc., whose role on earth is not well known.
In Lisbon at the beginning of the 19th century, there were about one hundred and fifteen units of religious orders.

One of the most important Popes, born here in Lusitânia.Dâmaso, is the Pope who follows, was born in currently Portuguese territory, with some who defend the hypothesis of having been born more specifically in the city of Guimarães or in Idanha-a-Velha, at the height member of the Roman Empire. Its time coincided with the rise of Constantine and the adoption of Christianity as an official religion of the Roman Empire.

In October 366, after winning his rival Ursino in bloody fights, he occupied the papal throne, as we can see, were power struggles.
It took two years of bloody fighting and slaughter for Damaso to reach the papacy. The battles between the bands following the two postulants were so violent that in a single day of battle 137 dead were collected. Accused by his opponents of murder, Damaso had to defend himself before an Imperial court. However, Emperor Valentinian I supported Damaso and in the year 378 he was acquitted, while his enemy Ursino was exiled.

This process gave Dâmaso I the opportunity to adjust the relationship between civil and ecclesiastical justice. The State began to officially recognize the Church’s competence in matters of faith and morals, while carrying out the execution of the sentences dictated by the episcopal’s court.

Damaso was one of the most notable Popes of the 4th century, besides being considered a murderer, and for two years he did nothing more than being at war with his opponent, defended the Church of Rome against possible schisms, sending bequests to the First Council of Constantinople, and was also a writer of great merit, author of valuable epigrams and important synod letters.

In addition, he commissioned Jerónimo de Estridão to revise the Latin version of the Bible, which became known as the Latin Vulgate, until today one of the most important biblical translations.

He was the first Pope to wear the ring, not married, because he was not authorized to be one, but a fisherman, without being one, with the symbol of Saint Peter, who, unlike today, was passed from pontiff to pontiff , as soon as his death was confirmed, as a symbol of his pastoral authority. The ring with the aegis of Peter of the first Pope, no longer exists, as it was destroyed.

We hope to have helped to unravel a little your doubts about the Military Orders in Portugal.

About the Author
O Hugo é uma pessoa extremamente comunicativa que adora viajar e ama o que faz. Ainda jovem começou a trabalhar como taxista na cidade de Lisboa que fez com que ficasse a conhecer a cidade e o País como ninguém e para além disso ganhou um gosto especial por comunicar quer seja com as gentes locais ou com muitos turistas com que se cruzada em cada dia. No entanto a vontade de saber mais e dar asas ao que realmente gostava de fazer, decidiu voltar a estudar Turismo na melhor escola de Turismo em Portugal e mudar toda a sua vida para fazer aquilo que realmente gosta, dar a conhecer o seu pais ao Mundo de uma forma genuína e autentica.