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Walkborder in the MG Tourism Journal

A Walkborder in the MG Tourism Journal of Brazil

It was with great pleasure that our company, Walkborder was interviewed by the prestigious Tourism Journal MG Tourism in the person of its founder the illustrious founder Mr. António Claret Guerra, a newspaper that has so much influence in Tourism in Brazil, both internationally and internationally, or be it with suggestions, tips and more.

Since our company has Brazil as the main market, this relationship could not fail to be a subject in this important interview.

How important is the Brazilian market for your company?

Brazil has a primary importance in our company “Walkborder”, in addition to representing 80% of our customers and friends, the essence of the company was born with Brazil, we have adapted in a way that our customers feel at home, from the differences in our language to the small cultural and historical attributes of both countries.

This presence in Brazil, is born naturally and has been accentuated over the last 15 years, which has allowed us to concentrate efforts and specializes in a growing market.

What are the differentials of your company for the tourist and the Brazilian businessman?

In our company we think that the human factor is the most important, so that all our guides are accredited and have a proven experience, have above all enough general culture to be able to have a pleasant conversation of the a united team is the key to the road to success, we make it a point to meet frequently in workshops to discuss new ideas and trends.

However we do not despise comfort in such a way that our fleet is composed of all vehicles of the Mercedes Benz Brand in excellent conditions with wifi and refrigerator, so that our tours and itineraries are carried out in a relaxed and safe way.

What does Portugal have to offer to tourism?

Today the World has discovered Portugal, whether by the numerous awards, gains in the area of Tourism or even in the presence of new residents coming countries where of course includes Brazil, a more eclectic tourism, for various ages, cultures and religions unlike Portugal of others.

However Brazil is odd in the choice of Portugal, not only for the language and religion, but above all in the gastronomic factors, I must say that it gives us an immense taste to feel how many customers like our gastronomy, sweets and even wines and the Brazilian loves all this.

Do you plan coming to Brazil? What are your plans on this trip?
We intend to visit this wonderful country, possibly during Festuris 2019, this noble tourism fair in Brazil, where in addition to the interest of publicizing our company, we want to deprive with some of the best operators in Brazil and making impressions about all that flow in Tourism .

Meet the full interview …

About the Author
O Hugo é uma pessoa extremamente comunicativa que adora viajar e ama o que faz. Ainda jovem começou a trabalhar como taxista na cidade de Lisboa que fez com que ficasse a conhecer a cidade e o País como ninguém e para além disso ganhou um gosto especial por comunicar quer seja com as gentes locais ou com muitos turistas com que se cruzada em cada dia. No entanto a vontade de saber mais e dar asas ao que realmente gostava de fazer, decidiu voltar a estudar Turismo na melhor escola de Turismo em Portugal e mudar toda a sua vida para fazer aquilo que realmente gosta, dar a conhecer o seu pais ao Mundo de uma forma genuína e autentica.