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Santarém Market in Portugal

Santarém is known in Portugal and Brazil for being the place where Pedro Alvares Cabral the “discoverer” of Brazil is buried, in this article we will talk a little about the beautiful Santarém market in Portugal. This city Ribatejana, with a typical galomania, where the campinos and the bulls’ handles is a constant, not to mention the importance of the river Tagus.

Santarem market tiles

Arte Nova has been present in Portugal since 1900, especially in the “Portuguese house”. The painter José Antonio Jorge Pinto will interpret, in an original way, foreign influences and fuse them in the Portuguese culture. In 1930 Viriato Cassiano Monteiro, who had already projected the Eden cinema, will also design this market. Tiles are the vivid image of the market.


The facade

In addition to the façade panel, tile installations, which add up to 55 azular panels, appear among the store doors, an impressive number, not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of the aesthetic quality present in each. The façade portal panel tiles are manufactured in the Aleluia “Aveiro” factory and the remaining 54 panels in the Sacavem Kitchen and signed by: 23 C. Ramos, 11 C.A.



The themes are varied, but essentially the local heritage, natural landscapes, rural traditions …. always painted in blue and yellow, forming a frame of the pictorial backgrounds. These tiles embellish “Scalabis” and were born from an artistic interpretation of picture postcards.

Come to know the Santarém market in Portugal as wee as other local markets  in the hands of the best professionals.

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About the Author
O Hugo é uma pessoa extremamente comunicativa que adora viajar e ama o que faz. Ainda jovem começou a trabalhar como taxista na cidade de Lisboa que fez com que ficasse a conhecer a cidade e o País como ninguém e para além disso ganhou um gosto especial por comunicar quer seja com as gentes locais ou com muitos turistas com que se cruzada em cada dia. No entanto a vontade de saber mais e dar asas ao que realmente gostava de fazer, decidiu voltar a estudar Turismo na melhor escola de Turismo em Portugal e mudar toda a sua vida para fazer aquilo que realmente gosta, dar a conhecer o seu pais ao Mundo de uma forma genuína e autentica.