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Safe tourism in Portugal

Now that practically all monuments in Portugal are open to the public, safe tourism in Portugal is imperative even though they still live in the Pandemia created by Covid 19, Walkborder guarantees its customers and friends the same high quality Private Tourism with all security conditions.

We have the seal Clean and Safe do Turismo de Portugal, which intends to send guidelines to companies, restaurants or other businesses that have direct contact with the client, guidelines referring to issues of cleanliness and or social distance, among others.

Safe tourism in Portugal

Knowing the extreme importance of health issues, Walkborder Tours did not “bow down” and in addition to obtaining the Clean and Safe Seal from Portugal Tourism, suggested to its collaborators that they carry out the training program destined to Tourist Enterprises, Local Accommodation, Tourist Entertainment Companies and Travel and Tourism Agencies that intends to make known the minimum cleaning, hygiene and basic prevention and control measures of COVID- 19.


The training was carried out online and made it possible to learn a little more about the Virus itself, the form of contagion and procedures to be used at the beginning, end and during the tours, in this way Walkborder you can design your security protocol.

At the beginning of each tour, your guide will give you a short description of what your day will be and deliver the individual protection pack which includes an individual protection mask, disposable gloves, sanitized wipes and not least the alcohol gel in the vehicle that should be used whenever there is a stop for visits.

Clean & Safe Hugo Certified

Hugo proudly carried out the training successfully and was responsible for the contacts with the DGS and also responsible for issues related to training, training and communication to the whole team and other elements that have doubts and / or questions about of it.

Ruben even though he is one of the most recent members of our team, he does not close the door to learning by always making visits and training either through tourism or professional training institutes in such a way that he successfully completed the training and received your certificate.

Rodrigo , on the other hand, who loves longer tours, being with the same clients for more than 10 days, which requires additional security issues, also made the Clean and Safe training program  successfully and displays it with zeal.

Undoubtedly, Private Tourism will be a safer Tourism in Portugal, as the tour is just for you, not having people from different groups with different tourism tastes and concepts than yours.

In these difficult days choose safe tourism in Portugal,talk to our assistants now !!!

About the Author
O Hugo é uma pessoa extremamente comunicativa que adora viajar e ama o que faz. Ainda jovem começou a trabalhar como taxista na cidade de Lisboa que fez com que ficasse a conhecer a cidade e o País como ninguém e para além disso ganhou um gosto especial por comunicar quer seja com as gentes locais ou com muitos turistas com que se cruzada em cada dia. No entanto a vontade de saber mais e dar asas ao que realmente gostava de fazer, decidiu voltar a estudar Turismo na melhor escola de Turismo em Portugal e mudar toda a sua vida para fazer aquilo que realmente gosta, dar a conhecer o seu pais ao Mundo de uma forma genuína e autentica.